Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Microcontroller is a small component which performs a specific task. Microcontroller can be purchased at cheap rates, uses CMOS technology and hence consumes less power, and CPU, RAM, ROM, and I/O ports are in-built. Microcontroller requires an input device and an output device. For example in Television, Remote control is the input device and TV screen is the output device.

The microcontroller controls various tasks performed by the remote control such as selecting channels, speaker volume, and adjusting picture. Architecture of a microcontroller comprises of CPU (Range: 4-bit to complex 64-bit processors), peripherals including timers, event counters, and watchdog, RAM to store data, ROM, EPROM, EEPROM or flash memory to store programs and operating parameters, Programming capability, Serial I/O ports, Clock Generator, Analog-digital convertor, Serial ports, and data bus. Recent microcontrollers are built using CISC technology where the user can use one macro like instruction. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) is used for small amount of memory where the data is frequently changed. FLASH (EPROM) execute faster and allow more number of write/erase cycles. Widely used in products that work automatically such as Television, Computers, Fax machines, Security systems, Microwave oven, Telephones, etc. Microcontrollers are User friendly and available easily in the markets, High energy efficiency, More Integrated features including RF and USB, minor form factors, increased processing power.
8051, AVR, PIC etc are different families of microcontrollers.

8051 PIC AVR
Older version of 8051 has 12 clocks per instruction which degrades its performance. Older to 8051 but outshine due to small low pin count devices. Loaded with C- compiler, Free IDE, and many more features.
Newer version of 8051 has 6 cycles per instructions to execute faster. Great performance and reasonable. Difficult for the beginners to handle.
Absence of in built memory and A/D converters Not advised due to tedious programming part.

Microcontrollers will outshine in the fields of Energy management, touch screens, automobiles, LED lightings, medical equipments.

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