Monday, March 28, 2011

AVR Microcontroller

Microcontroller can be termed as a single on chip computer which includes number of peripherals like RAM, EEPROM, Timers etc., required to perform some predefined task.

Does this mean that the microcontroller is another name for a computer…? The answer is NO!

The computer on one hand is designed to perform all the general purpose tasks on a single machine like you can use a computer to run a software to perform calculations or you can use a computer to store some multimedia file or to access internet through the browser, whereas the microcontrollers are meant to perform only the specific tasks, for e.g., switching the AC off automatically when room temperature drops to a certain defined limit and again turning it ON when temperature rises above the defined limit.

There are number of popular families of microcontrollers which are used in different applications as per their capability and feasibility to perform the desired task, most common of these are 8051, AVR and PIC microcontrollers. In this article we will introduce you with AVR family of microcontrollers.

Read architecture of AVR Microcontroller

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Timer is a clock that controls the sequence of an event while counting in fixed intervals of time. A Timer in a Microcontroller is used for producing precise time delay. Secondly, it can be used to repeat or initiate an action after/at a known period of time which is a forehead application of the same. An example could be setting up an alarm which triggers at a point of time or after a period of time.

Timers in a controller: Why to use them

Most of the microcontrollers have inbuilt Timers. Timers in a controller not only generate time delays but they can also be used as counters. They are used to count an action or event. The value of counter increases by one, every time its corresponding action or event occurs. Timers in a controller are inbuilt chips that are controlled by special function registers (SFRs) assigned for Timer operations. These SFRs are used to configure Timers in different modes of operations.

8051 Timer Issues
While using 8051 Timers certain factors need to be considered, like whether the Timer is to be used for time keeping or for counting; whether the source for time generation is external clock or the controller itself; how many bits of Timer register are to be used or left unused.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Interfacing GPS with 8051

GPS has become an efficient tool in the field of scientific use, commerce, surveillance and tracking. This project presents a small application based on Global Positioning System. It depicts the use of GPS module/receiver to find latitude and longitude of its location. The data obtained from GPS receiver (GPGGA sentence) is processed by the microcontroller to extract its latitude and longitude values.
see circuit diagram and source code in C at Interface GPS with 8051
also see
How to extract details from GPS receiver

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Microcontroller is a small component which performs a specific task. Microcontroller can be purchased at cheap rates, uses CMOS technology and hence consumes less power, and CPU, RAM, ROM, and I/O ports are in-built. Microcontroller requires an input device and an output device. For example in Television, Remote control is the input device and TV screen is the output device.

The microcontroller controls various tasks performed by the remote control such as selecting channels, speaker volume, and adjusting picture. Architecture of a microcontroller comprises of CPU (Range: 4-bit to complex 64-bit processors), peripherals including timers, event counters, and watchdog, RAM to store data, ROM, EPROM, EEPROM or flash memory to store programs and operating parameters, Programming capability, Serial I/O ports, Clock Generator, Analog-digital convertor, Serial ports, and data bus. Recent microcontrollers are built using CISC technology where the user can use one macro like instruction. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) is used for small amount of memory where the data is frequently changed. FLASH (EPROM) execute faster and allow more number of write/erase cycles. Widely used in products that work automatically such as Television, Computers, Fax machines, Security systems, Microwave oven, Telephones, etc. Microcontrollers are User friendly and available easily in the markets, High energy efficiency, More Integrated features including RF and USB, minor form factors, increased processing power.
8051, AVR, PIC etc are different families of microcontrollers.

8051 PIC AVR
Older version of 8051 has 12 clocks per instruction which degrades its performance. Older to 8051 but outshine due to small low pin count devices. Loaded with C- compiler, Free IDE, and many more features.
Newer version of 8051 has 6 cycles per instructions to execute faster. Great performance and reasonable. Difficult for the beginners to handle.
Absence of in built memory and A/D converters Not advised due to tedious programming part.

Microcontrollers will outshine in the fields of Energy management, touch screens, automobiles, LED lightings, medical equipments.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Microcontroller based Mini Projects

Hi friends!
These are some mini projects based on 8051 Microcontroller (AT89C51), available free with circuit, C code and working videos

Digital alarm clock

Electronic code lock

Digital Thermometer using 8051

Bidirectional Visitor Counter

Distance measurement using Infrared

LCD based voting machine

Simple Toll Plaza

RFID based Secured Access system

Liquid Level Alarm

8 Candidate Quiz Buzzer

Up down counter

Digital clap counter

Digital Dice

Servo motor control

GSM Module Interface

Humidity counter

hope these projects might be helpful for you


Other than the sci-fi movies, the robots can be seen around us assembling the cars, in bottling factory etc. The robots have been in the industry
for last two decades because of their continuous working ability in an atmosphere, where humans are not even able to stand for minutes, without any supporting equipment, like space.
Read full article on Robotics at EngineersGarage